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初中英语外研版九年级下册Module3 Life now and then单元练习含听力mp3
31. Although the boss is w                , he is still kind and friendly to the poor.
32. His sister has a great f                 of the dark, so she often goes to sleep with the light(s) on.
33. He got a good e                 all through school.
34. Which is the cheapest form of t                , by train, by ship or by airplane?
35. She often makes model toys in her s                 time.
36. The boss promised to d                 our pay next month, so we can make more money.
37. There's too much noise in the factory and it can make workers d                 easily.
38. Food can be h                 in the microwave oven.
39. I want to be                 (富有) and healthy.
40. You can take many different kinds of                 (交通方式) to New York, such as bike, car, bus, train and subway.
41. In addition, health                 (教育) plays a key role in improving people's health.
42. You needn't talk to him. He can't hear you because he's                 (聋子).
43. Mary, what do you like doing in your                 (空闲的) time?
44. Now e                (电的) bikes have become more and more popular.
45. Pieces of glass and bricks fell down and we looked at each other in                 (恐惧).
46. Ten is the                 (两倍) of five.
47. 我的爱好花费和你的不一样多。
My hobby doesn't cost                                                    yours.
48. 自行车运动不如跳水运动有趣。
Cycling is                  interesting                  diving.
49. 李明是我们队个子最高的队员,他(球)打得也最棒。
Li Ming is                                   player in our team, and he plays                                  .
50. 我爸爸过去常常开车上班,现在坐公交车了。(词数不限)
My father                  go to work by car, but now he takes the bus.
51. 我很少乘轮船旅行。   (词数不限)

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