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初中英语牛津深圳版八年级下册Unit5 Save the endangered animals单元练习含听力mp3
78. What if there is no b                ?
79. --- What's the w                 of the baby giant panda?
--- It's 100 grams.
80. People usually cut scary f                 in pumpkins at Halloween.
81. Rice is grown in China, Japan and other A                 countries.
82. --- How big the fish is!
--- Yes. It w                 about 10 kilos.
83. Everyone should do something to protect                 (野生的) animals.
84. As                 (成年人), we should take care of the young children.
85. My brother put a bag of rice on his right                 (肩膀) and left the shop.
86. Haikou is the                 (中心) city of Hainan Province.
87. There is some information about the people who are                 (残酷) to animals.
88. 我能独立地把这项工作做完。
I am able to finish the work                  my                 .
89. 有许多大象生活在野外。
There are many elephants living                                                   .
90. 我们村与他们村离得很近。
Our village                                                    theirs.
91. 小袋鼠出生时在它妈妈的育儿袋里。
                                 , a baby kangaroo is in its mother's pouch.
92. 这个城市的人口大约是750万。
The city has                                                    about seven and a half million.

资料名称: 牛津深圳版八年级下Unit5单元练习含听力mp3
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