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四、 补全对话
【小题1】I think that Yang Liwei and Liu Xiang are both our country’s _______ (英雄).
【小题2】We should exercise to _______ us _______ (增强体质).
【小题3】Driving carelessly _______ (引起) accidents.
【小题4】The rivers in the countryside are much _______ (清澈) than those in the cities.
【小题5】Beijing Opera  ( 充满) famous stories ,beautiful facial paitings, wonderful gestures and fighting.
A: 【小题1】
B:  I’m looking for a coat.
A: 【小题2】
B:  Size M.
A:  How about this yellow one
B:  I don’t like this colour. 【小题3】
A:  Yes . we have blue, red and black. How about the blue one
B:  I  like it . 【小题4】     
A:  sure.Does it fit
B:  Yes.It fits me well.I like it very much.【小题5】      
A:280 yuan.
B:  OK.I will take it.. Here is the money.
A:  Thank you.
B:  You’re welcome.

资料名称: 钦州港经济技术2016年八年级英语3月份月考试卷含答案解析
文件大小: 160K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标八年级下月考试卷
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