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1._____________(突然)a car stopped in front of me and came out two people.
2.He knocked at the door again and again but nobody ________ (回应) to him.
3.I’m very __________ (惊讶) to know he can does his homework so carefully.
4. I ________ (想知道) why he is late for school again.
5. Do you know that ____________ (蛇) smell with their tongue?
6. —Do they like eating ________ (三明治)? —No, they don’t.
7. Camels can live in very ________ (干的) places.
8. They are _____________________ (搜寻)the forest for the lost child.
9.Dogs like to eat_______(骨头).
10.Teachers use_______(粉笔)to write on the blackboard.
四、用(  )词的适当形式填空
1.Don’t you think the world is full of            (amaze ) things ?
2.Our eyes are the same from            (born ).
3.Don’t stop         ( walk ) until you come to the end of the street.
4.He is ill today , but he goes to school as early as         (usually ).
5.             (sudden ), I heard someone        ( shout ) for help from the bushes behind the tree.
6.She was         ( surprise ) to find her dog dead in her house yesterday .
7 School is over .the students are running out of the classroom as          ( quick ) as they can .
8.My mother often goes to work without           ( eat ) breakfast .
9.There are at           (little ) 1000 students in our school .
10.  Something unusual _______________(happen) to you if you __________(not be) careful.
11.  Later that day, the children ________(leave) the park, because there _____(be) something strange in it.
12.  I will go to the library ___________(learn) more about some amazing animals.
13.   What a __________(love) present you have!
14. We ordered two         (sandwich) for supper yesterday.
15. I         (think) Tom was good at swimming. But in fact, he can’t swim at all.
16. We _________(plan) to go out for a picnic yesterday. So we hope it_____________ (not rain) today.
17.Suddenly I         (hear) a strange noise outside last night.
18. You can’t keep your car __________ (run) like that.
19. One metre is 100 centimetres, or thirty-nine ______________ (inch).
20. Mr Wu _______________ (drive) his car to Beijing, didn’t he?
21. She always does her homework ________ (careful), and we all like working with him.
22. Five days ________ (late), he came t o my home again and took away that computer.
23. He left me without______ (say)goodbye to me.
24.My mother ______(buy)two goldfish for me as a birthday present yesterday.
25..Tom _______(chat)with her deskmate just now.
26. At last , I_____ (find) my pen in my pocket.
27. Hurry up, or you __________(miss) the beginning of the film.
Nobody _________, so he _________,to himself “Th ere isn’t _________ here. _________ is mine.”
When the_________  cat miaowed, it _________like a whisper.
He________ up the cat and_________ it to the animal center with the _________girls.
I am _________to know that there _________ only seven bones in its neck.
Suzy _________ be afraid of snakes _________ _________ .
May I watch TV and do my homework                            ?
_________ _________ popular all over the world later.
By 2010, _________ families had_________ _________  one TV.
Now TVs can be_________ _________ _________ 152 inches.
What               your grandfather yesterday afternoon?
He                     , “I must study hard.”
I would like                      about your new school.
My grandmother likes sleeping                             .

资料名称: 群力初级中学2015-2016年七年级下英语Unit5单元试题
文件大小: 1125K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津7BUnit5
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