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牛津译林版7B Unit6 Welcome to the unit教案
上传者:   加入日期:16-04-11

牛津译林版7B Unit6 Welcome to the unit教案
 Do you like outdoor activities?
 Outdoor activities are popular in western countries.
 Let’s enjoy some pictures.(Picture1-6)
 Unit6 Outdoor fun
Studying aims
1 .To learn the new words and phrases.
2.To know some outdoor activities.
3.To make conversations about your favourite outdoor activities.
Task One: New words
Play a guessing game (抢答为小组加分)Ds:2''
1.It can make us happy.
 It is an exciting activity in winter.
 It’s like dancing on ice
2.It makes you very cool.
 It can give you an exciting feeling.
 You can sit on the back of the horse
3.It can make us slim and healthy.
 It is very popular in summer.
 It makes you feel cool and comfortable in the water
4.It’s good for our health.
  It can help you keep slim.
  It’s a good sport for old people
5.It can make you fit and strong.
 It’s  very popular and cool.
 People often do it on a sunny /warm day.
 Some students go to school by it
6.We can have great fun.
 It has a long history.
 First, it was made of wood.
 Next, it was made of bamboo.
 Now, it is made of paper
flying kites
(Finish Page69 Part A)

资料名称: 牛津译林版7B Unit6 Welcome to the unit教案
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版本年级: 牛津7BUnit6
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