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2016新目标八年级下册Unit 4 Why don't you talk to your parents单元测试题含答案
56. His parents are very busy. They have little time to c        with their children.
57. You shouldn’t c        my homework. You should do it alone.
58. He is ready to help others, and he always o      money to the people in the poor villages.
59. If you borrow books from the library, you should r      them on time.
60. He runs the fastest, and nobody else can c       with him.
61. I think your answer is w________.
62. Ann a________ with her sister last night.
63. I don't think it is a good        (suggest)
64. Your English is pretty good! How about _________ (give)some advice to me?
65. She is very good at painting. She can paint as ________(good) as her teacher.
66. Last weekend, the Greens had great fun _________(swim) at Water World.
67. Would you like something _________(drink)?
68. Our teachers often ask us _________(offer)to help the poor.
69. My ________(old) brother is 18 years old.
70. Our school doesn't allow me _________(swim) alone.
71. Why don’t you ask your teacher for help?(改为同义句)
               ask your teacher for help?
72. It’s time for breakfast.(改为同义句)
It’s time               breakfast.
73. He would like to offer us some help.(改为同义句)[ :Zxxk.Com]
He would like to      some help     us.
74. I think he should tell the news to his father.(改为否定句)
I        think he        tell the news to his father.
75. These fans arrived very early. They could see their favorite stars.(合并成一个句子)
These fans arrived very early              they could see their favorite stars.
76. What's wrong with Bill? (改为同义句)
   What’s _______ _______ with Bill? www.
77. Ann looks happy because she has passed the exam.(对画线部分提问)
   ________ _______Ann look happy?
78. Dick lent me his dictionary yesterday. (改为同义句)
   I _______ a dictionary ________ Dick yesterday.
79. Helen should stop smoking.(对画线部分提问)
   _______ ________Helen do?
80. Paul is too young to join the army.(改为同义句)
   Paul ________old _________to join the army.
81. 你可以给他打电话。
You can ______ him ______.www.
82. 他正在浏览一本杂志。
He is ________ ________a magazine.
83. 他和他的同学相处得不好。
He can’t get _______ ________his classmates.
84. 昨天他把词典还给我了。
He _______ the dictionary _______to me yesterday.
85. 商店里有各种各样的衣服。
There are all _______ ________ clothes in the store.
86. 你爸爸怎么了?
_______ _______ with your father? www.
87. 今天晚上你为什么不去安的聚会?
_______ ________ you go to Ann's party tonight?
88. 请不要生他的气。
Don’t _______ _______ with him.
89. 晚饭后他喜欢闲逛。
    He enjoys _______ ________ after dinner.
90. 我们应该主动帮助我们的父母做家务。
We should___ ____help our parents do the housework.
3.同学应该会理解。[ :学|科|网]4.花钱太多还得向父母要。5.可以买花或者自制贺卡等。

资料名称: 2016新目标八年级下册Unit4单元测试题含答案
文件大小: 114K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标八年级下Unit4
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