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仁爱版八年级下Unit7 Topic 1 Section C随堂练习含答案
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仁爱版八年级下Unit7 Topic 1 Section C随堂练习含答案
1. My father advices me to go for a walk instead of ____ computer games in the room after dinner.
A. doing                    B. playing                   C. reading                 D. watching
2. He drove too fast last night. ____, he hit the wall.
A. Such as                 B. As a result              C. As soon as            D. In fact
3. As a ____ boy, Mozart wrote his first piece of music.
A. five years old       B. five year old          C. five-years-old       D. five-year-old
4. There is ____ milk ____ fruit juice in the fridge.
A. not; and                B. not; with                C. no; or                    D. no; with
5. —Would you please give us a talk about the traffic safety?
A. Sure.                     B. Good idea.            C. I have no time.     D. Certainly not.
1. I hope I can see you again.(改为同义句)
I hope ______ ______ ______ again.
2. Chickens can’t swim. I believe.(合并成一个句子)
I _____ believe chickens ______ swim.
3. I think Italian pizza and Indian beef curry are easy to cook.(改为否定句)
I ______ think Italian pizza and Indian beef curry ______ easy to cook.
4. Kangkang went to Beijing International school when he was twelve.(改为同义句)
Kangkang went to Beijing International school ______ ______ ______ ______ twelve.
5. I was excited. I couldn’t get to sleep.(合并成一个句子)
I was ______ excited ______ I couldn’t get to sleep.
1. 我们参加了Kang kang的生日聚会。大家都玩得很开心。
We ______ ______ ______ Kang kang’s birthday party. All of us had a good time.
2. ——如果你不想去跳舞的话,我就代替你去了。
—If you don’t want to go dancing, I’ll go ______ ______ you.
—All right.
3. Lei Ting一直很努力学习。结果,这次考试她取得了高分。
Lei Ting is studying very hard. ______ ______ ______, she got high score in this exam.
4. 中国人民于1937年开始了反抗日本侵略的战争。
The Chinese people started the war to ______ ______ the Japanese in 1937.
5. 我在农村度过了我的童年,然后随父母亲一起到了城市。
I ______ ______ ______ in the countryside, and then went to a big city with my parents.

资料名称: 仁爱版八年级下Unit7 Topic 1 Section C随堂练习含答案
文件大小: 57K
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版本年级: 仁爱版八年级下Unit7
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