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牛津7B Unit6 Reading(1)教案
上传者:   加入日期:16-03-29

牛津7B Unit6 Reading(1)教案
1.What’s your favourite activity at school?
2.Why do you like it best?
【板书课题】   Unit 6  Outdoor fun     Reading(1)
1. To read and understand the story.
2. To complete the exercises by themselves.
1.  Read Paras. and answer the questions
1)What did Alice see a white rabbit?
2)What did the rabbit say?
3)What was the rabbit going to do? Can you guess?
2.  Read Paras 2-3(Outside the hole)
1)What did the rabbit say?
2)Where did the rabbit go?
3)Why did Alice jump down the hole?

资料名称: 牛津7B Unit6 Reading(1)教案
文件大小: 47K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津7BUnit6
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