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外研版七年级下Module12 Western music测试题含答案
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外研版七年级下Module12 Western  music测试题含答案
(  ) 1. The poor lady had to go out for food  _________a cold morning.21032
         A. in      B. at      C. on      D. during
(  ) 2. —You sang in the KTV yesterday, didn’t you ? 3原创作品
— _______. We sang many songs and had fun there.
      A. Yes, I did  B. No, I didn’t  C. No, I did  D. No, I did
(  ) 3. —Do you like classical music or pop music?
      —______ of them, because they are both beautiful.
     A. All    B. Both     C. Either   D. One
(  ) 4. Sorry, I’m busy today. I have________ homework to do.
A. much too   B. too much   C. too many   D. many too
(  ) 5. I don’t like the color of the T-shirt. Would you show me ______one?
         A. other      B. the other  C. another  D. others
(  ) 6. I _____ the piece of the music carefully but I can’t _______ it clearly.
           A. listen to; hear from   B. hear; listen to    
C. hear; hear           D. listen to; hear
(  ) 7. Our school is only             walk from here.
        A. five-minute              B. five minute’s    
C. five minutes      D. five minutes
(  ) 8. Not only you but he __________ there.    
A. go   B. goes    C. going    D. to go
(  ) 9. It’s polite___________  to say “thank you” in Japan. 217网
      A. bow    B. to bow  C. bowing  D. bows
(  ) 10. This is a funny story. It made all of us ____________ .
A. laugh   B. laughs  C. to laugh  D. laughing
(  ) 11. Go and get some milk, _________?
     A. won’t you B. don’t you C. shall you  D. will you【1:3】
(  ) 12. There wasn’t bread in the cupboard, _________ ?
     A. weren’t there  B. was it  C. was there  D. wasn’t there
(  ) 13. Susan can’t drive, ___________ ?
     A. does she  B. is she  C. not she  D. can she【0:4】
(  ) 14. —You don’t come from England, do you ?
       — ________ . I come from America.
     A. No, I do.  B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I don’t  D. No, I don’t

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版本年级: 外研版七年级下Module12
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