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牛津译林版英语8B Unit4 A Good Read单词学案
上传者:   加入日期:16-03-27

牛津译林版英语8B Unit4 A Good Read单词学案
1.read n. 读物 A good read is like a great read.
   v. 阅读 read books/ newspapers
2.cooking n. 烹饪,烹调  ( cook 动词 “做饭”  名词  厨师 ) (cooker 炊具)
  My mother is good at cooking.  / Have you cooked the meal?  / My sister wants to be a cook in the future.
3.novel n. 小说 I like reading novels and plays.
4.Germany n.德国  I am reading a book about Germany in World War II.
  German adj. 德国的;德国人、语的;德国文化的 This is a German book. I can’t read it.
  German n. 德国人,德语 Germans come from Germany. They can speak German.
5.knowledge n.知识(不可数) History books can improve my knowledge of the past.
  get/gain knowledge of ...学到...知识 We go to school to get/gain knowledge of many different things.
6.spare adj. 空闲的,多余的 What do you like to read in your spare time(=in your free time)?
   v. 留出;匀出 No matter how busy you are, you should spare time to read.
7.French adj. 法国(人)的 The Hunchback of Notre Dame by the French writer Victor Hugo is great.
  N. 法语 Can you speak French?
  France 法国   Frenchman 法国人 (复数  Frenchmen)  Frenchmen come from France.
8.writer n.作者,作家 (动词 write 过去式 wrote  过去分词 written)
  Mo Yan is the first Chinese writer who wins the Nobel Prize in literature.
9.ugly adj. 丑陋的 反义词(beautiful, good-looking, pretty)

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