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牛津译林版8B Unit4 A Good Read L3 Reading(II)教案
上传者:   加入日期:16-03-27

牛津译林版英语8B Unit4 A Good Read L3 Reading(II)教案
2. Reading for understanding and thinking
  Paragraph 1
T: Why did Gulliver come to the beach? What happened to Gulliver’s ship at first?
S: His ship crashed against the rocks. 
T: Can you think of one word to replace “crash against”?
S: Hit.
T: Yeah, the ship hit the rocks and what happened then?
S: The ship couldn’t move.
T: The ship couldn’t continue moving. Have we learnt any phrase similar to the word “continue”?
  S: Yes, the phrase “go on”.
  T: So Gulliver met with many difficulties. Did he do something to save himself?
  S: Yes, he swam as far as he could.
  T: What is the meaning of the phrase “as far as he could”?
  S: It means “游得尽可能远”.
  T: We can use the structure like this: as + adj./adv. + as sb. can/could = as + adj./adv. + as    possible. Can you rewrite this sentence?
  S: He swam as far as possible.
  T: Well done! Did Gulliver finally feel the land under his feet?
  S: Of course.
  T: How did Gulliver feel when he felt the land?
  S: He was very tired. The story says: He was tired out. He fell down on the beach and went to sleep.
Paragraph 2
(1) T: Great. However, something strange happened when he woke up. What’s that, do you know? Let’s move on to Paragraph Two
S: He couldn’t move because he was tied to the ground.
T: OK. The word “tie” means “hold things together with ropes”. Look at the picture. The master tied the dog to the tree. Can you use another way to say so?
S: The dog was tied to the tree.
(2) Further thinking.
     T: Gulliver was tied to the ground when he woke up. When was Gulliver tied to the ground?
S: Before he woke up.
T: That’s to say, while he was sleeping. Right? How did Gulliver feel now? Can you imagine?
Paragraph 3
(1) T: OK, from the first two paragraphs, we have known Gulliver saved himself after the ship crashed and he was found tied to ground after waking up. Do you think that was strange? Do you want to find out the truth? Please continue reading Paragraph Three and tell me who tied Gulliver to the ground.
S: The tiny men.
     T: What did they do to Gulliver?
       S: They moved from the leg, then moved up over Gulliver’s stomach and neck and even stood near his face.
     T: They were moving on his body. How small were the tiny men?
     S: They were the same size as Gulliver’s finger.
     T: Here, what does the phrase “the same … as” mean?
     S: 和……一样。
     T: For example, I like reading. My sister likes reading too. Can you join the two sentences together with the new phrase?
S: I have the same hobby as my sister.
T: Great! So we can use the phrase like this: the same + n. + as .…
(2) Further thinking.
T: There are so many tiny men on Gulliver’s body. Who was the tiny person standing on his face? Why did they want to tie Gulliver to the ground?

资料名称: 牛津译林版8B Unit4 A Good Read L3 Reading(II)教案
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版本年级: 牛津8BUnit4
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