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2016新目标八年级下Unit2 Period 4三环一体式导学助教案
上传者:   加入日期:16-03-24

2016人教八年级英语下册三环一体式导学助教案:Unit 2 I’ll help clean up the city parks Period 4  Section B(2a—Selfcheck)
1、知识目标:disabled; fill; unable; organization; pleasure; blind; deaf;  support; specially; fetch; appreciate; send sb sth; fill…with; be unable to do sth; answer the phone; shut the door; help sb out; feel lucky; because of;
2能力目标:Enable the Ss to learn the new words using parts of speech.
3、情感目标:Be always ready to help others who are in trouble.
4、学习重难点:How to write an English letter.
1.寄给某人某物          2. 由于,因为          3.用装满           
4.不能做某事             5.接电话                     6.关门                      
7. 立刻           8.感到幸运         9. 六个月的训练            
10. 帮助残疾人                    11. 帮某人走出困境                   
2、情景导入   Answer questions:
1. How is Jimmy this week? And why? 
2. What did he do in order to solve his problem?
3. Did the strategies work out fine?

资料名称: 2016新目标八年级下Unit2 Period 4三环一体式导学助教案
文件大小: 47K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标八年级下Unit2
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