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牛津译林版九年级下Unit4 Grammar学案
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牛津译林版九年级下Unit4 Grammar学案
Step I  Lead-in (导入部分)
Review some adverbial clauses
1. 她12岁的那一年开始居住于大连。
When she was 12 years old, she began to live in Dalian.
2. 如果我明天不忙,我就会陪你踢足球。
If I am not busy tomorrow, I will play football with you.
Helen didn’t go to school because she was ill.
【板书课题】 Unit4 Grammar
1. 用介词at the age of, because of和without将状语从句改写成简单句
2. 用remind sb. of和be sure about等含有介词的短语将宾语从句改为简单句。
Step II  Presentation(新授PartA
1.Make sentences with adverbial clauses.
  Neil Armstrong received his student pilot's licence when the was 16.
People might float in space because the gravity is low.
Humans cannot survive if there is no food, water or oxygen.
2.We can rewrite some adverbial clauses in simple sentences with prepositional phrases beginning with at the age of, because of, and without.
  Neil Armstrong received his student pilot's licence at the age of 16.
People might float in space because of the low gravity.
Humans cannot survive without food, water or oxygen.
Step III   Presentation(新授PartB
l. Make sentences with object clauses.
  The smell of the pills reminds them that food on the Earth is tasty.
Are they sure that space travel will be very fast?
2.We can rewrite some object clauses in simple sentences with prepositions like of and about.
  The smell of the pills reminds them of the tasty food on the Earth.
Are they sure about the fast speed of space travel?

资料名称: 牛津译林版九年级下Unit4 Grammar学案
文件大小: 44K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津9BUnit4
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