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牛津译林版九年级下Unit4 Reading复习学案
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牛津译林版九年级下Unit4 Reading复习学案
1到2100年为止_____          2.有更多的空间_________
3.人口的快速增长_____        4.漂浮进入太空___________
5.越来越拥挤_______          6.建立一个更好的世界______
7.以光速的一半_______        8.重力的八分之三__________
9.一条被污染的河______     10.使他们自己变得更重______
11.The heavy traffic is ___________(拥挤的)at this time of a day.
12.The___________ (力量)of gravity makes things fall to earth.
13.What was the___________ (人口)of China in 1900?
14.She took the job for a___________ (特殊的)reason.
15.The Sun is a star,and the Earth is one of its __________ (行星).
16.At 7 o’clock in the morning, the buses in our city are crowded with___________ (乘客).
17.This new pair of shoes is tight for me, It is _________________(不舒服) to walk.
18.Close your eyes and imagine that there is a _____________(美味的) dish in front of you.
19.He will be chosen to be monitor to do some ____________________(挑战性的) work.
20.Did you have a___________ (令人愉快的)time in the park yesterday?

资料名称: 牛津译林版九年级下Unit4 Reading复习学案
文件大小: 52K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津9BUnit4
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