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上传者:   加入日期:16-03-12

1. —Jim, the cat is lovely. I want to have it as a pet.
—But Mom doesn’t a               us to keep animals at home.
2. There’s something w               with my watch. Can you help to repair it?
3. —Where’s our English teacher now?
—Hmm, I g               she’s in the sports club but I’m not sure.
4. —Mom, my little sister made my room in a mess.
—It’s not a big d              . After all (毕竟), she is only three years old.
1. 吉米,不要浏览我的东西。
Jimmy, don’t _________________ my things.
2. 你不应该和别的孩子打架。
You shouldn’t _________________ with other children.
3. 我们乘出租车吧,以便我们能准时到达那里。
Let’s take a taxi _________________ we can get there on time.
4. 对于简来说最终事情的结果很不错。
Things _________________ well for Jane in the end.
5. 你将何时还我自行车?
When will you _________________ the bicycle to me?

资料名称: 人教版八年级英语下册Unit4同步练习含答案(4份)
文件大小: 16K
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版本年级: 新目标八年级下Unit4
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 2017年人教新目标八年级英语下Unit4综合训练含答案 18-05-04

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 2018年春新目标八年级下Unit4(第2课时)课件ppt 18-03-23

 2018年春新目标八年级下Unit4(第1课时)课件+听力mp3 18-03-23

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 新目标八年级下Unit4 Section B(1a-3c)同步练习含答案 17-05-24

 新目标八年级下Unit4 Section B(1a-3b)同步练习含答案 17-05-24


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