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牛津译林版英语七年级下Unit3 Reading(I)教案
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牛津译林版英语七年级下Unit3 Reading(I)教案
I. Teaching aims and learning objectives
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. read the passage about Sunshine Town fluently;
2. get some detail information about Sunshine Town;
3. learn to introduce a place to others.
II. Teaching contents
1. New words and phrases: quiet, air, fresh, local, jogging, underground, famous, Western, opera, theatre, miss, forward, soon, a local theatre, Beijing opera, Western restaurants, look forward to
2. New structures: There are lots of things to do in Sunshine Town.
                            Would you like to stay in a quiet town?
                            Sunshine Town is not far from the centre of Beijing.
                            It takes only 40 minutes by underground.
                            Why not visit our local theatre and enjoy Beijing opera?
                We are looking forward to meeting you soon.
III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty
1. To read the passage in different ways.
2. To sum up how to introduce one’s hometown.
3. To introduce a place to othersusing the passage as a model.
IV.Teaching procedures
Step 1 Lead-in
Make up a dialogue.
T: Hello, everyone, today we are going to learn Reading of Unit 3. We know that the topic of this unit is hometown. Suppose your friends come to visit you, where will you take them? Make up a dialogue with your partner.
Step 2 Presentation
1. Enjoy Beijing opera.
T: Have a guess what I will do with my friends if they come to see me? Listen!
T: Correct! I will take them to enjoy Beijing opera at the local theatre. If we want to enjoy Beijing opera, I think Sunshine Town is a good choice.
2. Describe Sunshine Town.
T: Here is a picture of Sunshine Town. Please describe it.
T: Read and use new words and phrases to replace the underlined ones.
(1)Sunshine Town is well-known for its beautiful scenery.
(2)With many trees, the town is not noisy and the air is clean and cool.
(3) I am 期待 visiting this lovely town.
3. Scan the passage.
T: I can’t wait to visit Sunshine Town. Now, the Class 1, Grade 7 students are preparing a video presentation for the exchange students. Please scan their script and think about how many parts it can be divided into.
Part 1 (Paragraph 1): Introduction.
Part 2 (Paragraphs 2-5): Main body—Things to do in Sunshine Town.
Part 3 (Paragraph 6): Conclusion.
4. Watch and answer.
T: Let’s enjoy the video about Sunshine Town and then answer some questions.
(1) What’s in Sunshine Town?
(2) What do local people like doing in the morning?
(3) Where is Sunshine Town?
5. Things to do in Sunshine Town.
 (1) Go shopping?
   There’re lots of good shops in Sunshine town.
_______ things are not expensive.
     = Most of the things are not _____.
= They are _______.
= The price of them is _____.
   (2) Eat Chinese food? Listen and tell if the sentences are True or False.
   (3) Enjoy Beijing opera? Listen and retell this part according to the key words.
Step 3 Practice
1. Read the article.
  Divide the students intofour groups and read the article.
2. Have an interview.
T: Ted, Mary and Tom are exchange students from the UK. They want to know more about Sunshine Town. Now, they are asking Daniel some questions about it. Work in groups of four and talk about Sunshine Town.
3. Show time.
4. Summary.
Step 4 Production
1. Learn to introduce a city/town.
T: After reading the passage, can you tell me how to introduce a city/town? Yes, maybe we can introduce it in four aspects: location, environment, interesting places and interesting activities.
T: We can use the useful expressions given tointroduce a city/town.
2. Pair work.
T: Work in pairs and introduce a place to your partner.
1. Write a passage to introduce a place.
2. Recite Welcome to Sunshine Town.

资料名称: 牛津译林版英语七年级下Unit3 Reading(I)教案
文件大小: 31K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津7BUnit3
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