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牛津版七年级英语下册Unit2 Integrated Skills教案
上传者:   加入日期:16-03-05

牛津版七年级英语下册Unit2 Neighbours Integrated Skills教案
Guessing  game
Ss look at the sentences and tell the jobs.
1. He works in a school to help children to learn.
2. They have special skills, such as making ships, planes     and other machines.
3. When you are ill, you go to see him.
4. He work in a restaurant. He serves you food.
5. She is always kind. When you are in a hospital, she looks after you.
6. He makes delicious food for people in a restaurant.
7. He can take you anywhere you want to go by taxi
1.  manager 经理
2. office worker  办公室职员
3.  company     公司
4   postman 邮递员
5   policeman 警察
1.  Ss  are asked to fill in the blanks with the right jobs and places on P25 in their English books.
2.  Make a dialogue like this:
Pair work
A: What is he / she? /
    What does he / she do?
B: He / She is …
A: Where does he /she work?
B: He / She works …
1.       Before the students listen to the tape, ask the students to make a dialogue with their partner like this:
A.      What does your father / mother do?
B.      He /she is ……
A.      Where does he / she work?
B.      He /she works…..
2.       Ss students listen to the tape and fill in the table with the right jobs and the places.
3.       Ss can check the answers with their partners first, then with the whole class.
4.       Play the tape again, ask the students to answer more questions about Wendy’s family.
(1)      Where is Wendy’ s  police station?
(2)     Where is wendy’s  mother’s restaurant?
(3)     Is her mother very busy?
(4)     How does her elder brother go to work?
(5)     How does her elder sister go to work?
The teacher tells the students that :
Wendy’s elder brother  温蒂的哥哥
Wendy’s elder sister  温蒂的姐姐
elder :年长的

资料名称: 牛津版七年级英语下册Unit2 Integrated Skills教案
文件大小: 466K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津7BUnit2
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