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牛津版七年级英语下册Unit2 Neighbours Grammar教案
上传者:   加入日期:16-03-05

牛津版七年级英语下册Unit2 Neighbours Grammar教案
I am going to enjoy Zhaiqiao Goose after class.
Give students some phrases and ask them to make sentences: I am going to watch birds by the lake.
I am going to have a picnic by the lake.
I am going boating on the lake.
Show pictures and ask students to make some sentences.
She is going to play the piano.
He is going skating.
They are going to have a birthday party.
They are going to play football.
They are going to fly kites.
Finish the exercise on P24.
Make a dialogue with be going to
Women’s Day is coming. What are you going to do for your mother?
A: Women’s Day is coming. What are   
    you going to do for …
B: I am going to … for …
   What about you?
A: I am going to … for …
B: It’s a good idea.
Enjoy a flash show and do some exercises
What is Jack going to do?
A.      Jack is going to watch a film.
B.      Jack is going to buy some things.
C.      Jack is going to chat with Neil.
How old will Jack be?
A.      Jack will be five hundred years old.
B.      Jack will be three hundred years old.
C.      Jack will be six hundred years old.
How many miles will Jack run each day?
A.      Jack will run twenty miles.
B.      Jack will run forty miles.
C.      Jack will run fifty miles.
What will Neil buy for Jack?
A.      Neil will buy a car for Jack.
B.      Neil will buy a bike for Jack.
C.      Neil will buy a book for Jack.
Jack is going to buy some things.
Jack will be five hundred years old.
Jack will run fifty miles.
Neil will buy a car for Jack.
They are simple future tense.
be going to + 动词原形
will / shall + 动词原形
shall 用在I和we后面 ,will 用于所有人称。
Shall I go shopping with you?
Shall we go swimming tomorrow?
Finish the exercise on P23

资料名称: 牛津版七年级英语下册Unit2 Neighbours Grammar教案
文件大小: 35K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津7BUnit2
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