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外研版英语九年级下Module7 English for you and me模块检测试卷含答案
五、词汇运用。 (本大题共15小题,每小题1分)
51.I can write well, so my         (书法)is beautiful.
52.  Which         (时期)of history would you most like to live in?
53. Rosa is a ________(聪明的)child. She could do well at school.
54. My teacher told me that to be successful requires         (某种)efforts.
55. In         (近来的)years, terrorism has become a great threat.
56. You can use English         (无论在哪里)you go in the world.
57. It is         (必要的)for us to improve our reading and writing skills in learning English.
58. Do you know the         (发言者)at the meeting?
59. Do you know the meaning of “        ”(四分之一)?
60.I can’t         (表达)my opinion in English because I am not good at it.

资料名称: 外研版英语九年级下Module7模块检测试卷含答案
文件大小: 166K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 外研版九年级下Module7
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