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五、 词汇运用. (本大题共5分,每小题0.5分。)
A) 根据句子的汉语或首字母提示,写出一个正确的英语单词。
71. David didn’t get an A in the science exam because of a small ______(错误).
72. The boy sets us a good ______ (范例)by helping the old people in his village.
73. Nobody ______ (相信) his words because he never says anything true.
74. He had to see a dentist because he had a t______.
75. In Western cultures, many people think Friday the 13th is an u______ day.
B) 根据括号中所给的单词,填入正确的单词形式。
76. They work so hard and will ______ (certain) be successful.
77. You should always be polite when you turn down an ______ (invite).
78. Everything is ______ (possible) if you don’t put your heart into it.
79. Actually only a ______ (talent) musician can win the Grammy Award.
80. ______ (share) a problem is like cutting it in half.
81. 很多年轻人每周锻炼少于两小时。
Many young people spend ________ ________ two hours a week taking exercise.
82. 除非你们足够用心,否则是不能查明事实的
You won’t be        to find out the facts         you are careful enough.
83. 尽管你不同意我的意见,我们还是好朋友。
          you           with me, we are still good friends.
84. 请确保他一定要记下来。
Please                  that he writes it down.
85.   我们没想到因为准备工作不顺利,他就放弃了。
We never expected that he _______  _______ because the preparations didn’t go well.

资料名称: 汕头市金平区2014~2015年八年级上期末质量试卷含答案
文件大小: 1364K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 新目标八年级上期末试题
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