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您的位置:英语试题 >>泽林牛津版(小中高) >>七年级牛津7A >>复习试题 >>

上传者:   加入日期:16-01-26

66. Look! My father ____________ (have) a new car! How beautiful!
67 Thank you for __________  (tell) me about Christmas.
68. We need vegetables and fruit _____________ (keep) healthy.
69. Look! There are some ___________(diary) on the desk. Whose are they?
70. Do you have any time ____________ _ (help) me with my English?
71. Tian Liang in Where are we going, Dad is one of my favourite __________(play).
72.KFC is a good place ___________ (meet)friends and have fun.
73. People celebrate Halloween by                  (dress)up.
74. There ________ (be)two cartons of milk and some candy on the table.
75.—Where’s Millie?    —Oh,she                   (wait)for Amy at the school gate.
76.牛仔裤在学生们中间很流行, 因为他们是棉制成的并且很舒服。
 Jeans are _________ among students, because they are _________ _________ cotton and are very________.
77.看,Daniel 和Amy过来了,他们都穿着黑色的靴子。
Look! Here _______  Daniel and Amy, _______ of them are wearing black ______.
78. 用南瓜制作南瓜灯笼真是棒极了。
It’s wonderful _________  _________ _________ ___________ the pumpkins.
Tom _______ _______ sweet snacks ______ ________, he knows they are not  good ________their _________.
―How  ________ do you _______?      ―_______ than  _______a week.

资料名称: 常州市2015年七年级英语上期末模拟试题(三)含听力mp3
文件大小: 1406K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 牛津7A期末复习
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 2016—2017学年牛津版七年级上英语期末试卷(三)含答案 18-01-12


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