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A. 根据句意和汉语提示,用正确的单词填空。
61. The __________ (对话) in Stephen Chow’s movies often makes me laugh.
62. We are often _____________ (鼓励) to speak out in English classes.
63. __________ (假设) you see somebody stealing things on a bus, what should you do?
64. It’s a pity that yesterday’s football match was _________(取消)because of the terrible weather.
65. Nothing is more important than           (安全) for pupils.
B. 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。
66. Lang Lang is famous as a young ____________ (music) all over the world.
67. The earth needs _______      (last) peace. Wars bring too much sadness to people.
68. The robber who broke into the bank seemed to be in his____________ (twenty).
69. Hepburn acted so well that she was ______________(mistake) for a real princess.
70. There is no clear______________ (divide) line between the two villages.  

资料名称: 江苏省盐城市2015-2016年九年级上英语寒假作业有答案
文件大小: 306K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津9A假期作业
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