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61. Although there are d________, most resolutions have one thing in common.
62. Tom’s grandpa often reads m________. He likes Reader’s Digest best.
63. —Who b________ the window?        —Sorry, Ms Clark. I did.
64. If you don’t take yourself s________, others won’t respect you.
65. Lots of foreigners come to China to learn Chinese c_________.
66. He got to the cinema so late that he missed the b________ of the film.
67. H_______ of cars are parking around the school on Friday afternoon. It’s very crowded.
68. We looked for the little girl everywhere, and f________ we found her in the park.
69. My grandma’s eightieth birthday is coming. We’re busy p_________ for it.
70. If you b________ in yourself, you can succeed.

资料名称: 杭州市萧山区南片2015年12月八年级质量英语试题含听力mp3
文件大小: 15244K
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版本年级: 新目标八年级上月考试卷
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