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1. W: Hi, Jack! Did you drive your car today?
M: No, there’s something wrong with my car, so I had to take a subway this morning.            (停10秒)
2. M: I am glad that you’ve tried it. How do you feel now?
  W: At first I was scared, but now I am so excited. Let’s try more rides.  (停10秒)
3. M: Where have you been on your summer holiday?
  W: I’ve spend two days in Canada, one week in the United States and five days in Australia.     
4. W: Here comes the bus!
M: Don’t rush, everyone! It’s dangerous.
5. M: You look sad. What’s the matter? You failed your exam?  (停10秒)
  W: No. I went hiking yesterday. The mountains and the weather reminded me of my hometown.
  M: I’m sorry to hear that. Why not give your family a call?    (停10秒)
W: Hi, Charlie. Nice to see you again. How was your summer camp in the United States?
M: I went there on July 15th and came back on August 15th. I enjoyed every day of my stay there.
W: What did you do in the summer camp?
M: There were many interesting courses and activities. The American teachers taught us to listen, speak, read and write in English, but mainly to speak. The American classes are so different from the Chinese classes. They are more free to ask the teachers questions during the class. And they are always welcome to share their ideas with the class. I have not only improved my English language, but also experienced the American culture as well.
W: How nice! Where did you stay?
M: Oh, I lived with my host family, the Johnsons. They are very kind. They took good care of me. What’s more, I could practice English with them every day.
W: How interesting! I wish I could go there some day.
W: Hello! 6852207.
M: Hello! May I speak to Mark Smile, please?
W: Sorry, he’s not in at the moment. Can I take a message?
M: Yes, please. This is Peter from Best Computer Company.
W: OK, let me write this down, Peter from Best Computer Company. Yes?
M: Right. Mr. Smile brought his computer last Friday for some repairs.
W: Oh, right.
M: Would you please tell him that the repairs would be rather expensive? So I thought I’d check first. It’ll be about $400.
W: Did you say $400?
M: Yes. By the way, what exactl y happened to his computer?
W: Oh, a cup of hot coffee turned over on it.
M: Well, please ask him if we should go ahead with the repairs. Today is Tuesday, I’ll phone back tomorrow morning.
W: OK. I’ll tell him.
M: Thank you. Bye.
W: Bye.     (停2秒,然后重复,后再停15秒)

资料名称: 杭州市萧山区南片2016届九年级12月质量英语试题含听力mp3
文件大小: 8632K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 新目标九年级上月考试题
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