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山东省潍坊地区2014—2015 学年外研版七年级上期末检测英语试卷含答案
5. Lin Tao is a student. He goes to the zoo with his parents. They spend ______yuan.
VIII. 根据汉语提示,完成英语句子, 每空一词 (每空0.5分,满分10分)
You are my good friend ______ ______ _______.
Tom is _________ _________his mobile phone.
Please ______ ______ your books.
Don’t _____ ______ the bus before it stops.
They are learning _____ _____ ______ with my grandpa.
6.. 他总是乐于助人。
He is always _____ _____ ______ others.
7. 李老师跟我们相处得很好。
 Mr.Li ______ ______ ______ _____ _____.
IX. 用所给单词的正确形式填空(10分)
1. — Look! Tom is having lunch.  
— Yes, he usually _____ (have) lunch at half past twelve.
2. Mum wants to get some new   (furniture)for our house.
3.The students often hear from _____(they) pen friends.
4. Hongbao means ______(luck) money .
5. Choose me as your monitor and I promise ______(help) you.
6. Koalas are very cute. They sleep during the day and eat _________(leaf) at night.
7. Ms Du’s son is good at ____(make) things.
8. ______(not worry) about your Chinese .We can teach you Chinese
9. Those _____(be )Paul’s son and daughter.
10.---Where is Tony?
  ---He _____(lie) in the sun over there..
X. 根据要求变换句型 10分)(每空词数不固定,每空0.5分)
1. I usually play football on Saturday morning. (对画线部分提问)
__________ __________  you usually __________ on Saturday morning?
2. Jim always does his homework at 8:00 in the evening. (改为否定句)
Jim_______ ___________ his homework at 8:00 in the evening.
3.Would you like to come to my birthday party? ( 给出肯定回答 )
__________ , __________ .
4. Mr. Brown often washes his car in the garden. (用now改为现在进行时)
Mr. Brown ______ ______ his car in the garden now.
5. The nice watch is Lingling’s. (对画线部分提问)
 _______ _______the nice watch?
6. We haven’t got any carrots. Let’s go and get some. ( 合并为一句话 )
  We haven’t got any carrots ______let’s go and get some.
7. Does she go to school by bike?( 给出否定回答 )
  ________ ,________.
8. It’s time for dinner. ( 同义改写 )
  It’s time______ _______dinner.
9. Daming’s birthday is on Wednesday. (对画线部分提问)
 _____ ______ Daming’s birthday?
10. Do you know the name of the girl? ( 同义改写 )
  Do you know the ______ ______?
XI. 书面表达 15分)
现在是星期天早上8点半, 约翰(John)一家人在做不同的事情。 请根据下面图片中的提示, 写一篇短文, 介绍约翰全家正在做的事情。

资料名称: 潍坊地区2014-2015年外研版七年级上期末英语试卷含答案
文件大小: 828K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 外研版七年级上期末试卷
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