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2015-2016年牛津8A Unit6 Welcome to the unit课件+导学案
上传者:   加入日期:16-01-05

2015-2016学年牛津译林版八年级英语上Unit 6 Welcome to the unit课件+导学案
Guessing game
Look and guess :What are they?
【板书课题】Unit6 Welcome to the unit
1.To learn some new words and phrases.
2.To talk about some birds,
like cranes, sparrows, swans and eagles.
Task1  Look and  say
Look at the pictures and say what they are and
what they look like.
Finish PartA on Page69
  1. 独立完成。
  2. 小组合作,核对答案。
  3. 学生展示。
  • Describe the birds !
  • Task 2   Listen and read
    What’s Simon’s favourite  bird?
    How many types of cranes are there ?
    Pair work
    A: What’s your favourite bird,…?
    B:  I like … best.
    A:What do …look like?
    B:  ….
    A: Where do they live?/What do they like eating?/What are they good at?
    B:  …
    Task3  Listen and answer
    1.Where does Eddie often go to watch ‘birds’?
    2.Does Eddie really like birds?
    3.What does he like in fact?
    Please read in pairs.
    Act it out.

    资料名称: 2015-2016年牛津8A Unit6 Welcome to the unit课件+导学案
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    版本年级: 牛津8AUnit6
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