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一1.worker 2.mouse 3.worried 4.watching TV 5.cleaner 6.light 7.left 8.subway 9.post office 10.go hiking
二1.How do you go to school? 2.Does he like cooking? 3.Is he feeling worried?
4.Can you do this word puzzle? 5.Do you feel happy?
三1.ZhangPeng goes to school by bus.
2.WuYifan goes to the science museum by bike.
3.Amy lives far from school ,so she goes by car.
4.Mike usually goes to the park by subway.
5.Sarah often goes to the shop on foot.
四 .My friend Jim is a student, he lives far from the school. Usually he goes to school by NO. 11 bus. But one day, he got up(起床) late, and didn’t catch (没有赶上)the bus, so he was very sad, maybe he should read a funny story. Jim’s grandfather is a police officer, he likes reading newspaper(报纸),Jim’s grandmother is a nurse, she likes watching TV. Jim loves his grandparents, and they also love him too.

资料名称: 2015年秋人教pep版六年级英语上册期末试卷
文件大小: 173K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 人教版六年级上期末试题
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