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7A Unit8 Period6(Task Self-assessment)同步练习含答案
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牛津译林版英语7A Unit8 Period6(Task  Self-assessment)同步练习含答案
1.轻便舒适__________________________   2.看起来很干净________________________
3.不太长也不太短____________________   4.写封信给我的朋友____________________
5.看望我的祖父母____________________   6.在年轻人中间很流行__________________
7.寻找她的丝绸连衣裙________________   8.穿在我身上看起来酷__________________
1.—How many _______ (围巾)do you want? —Five.
2.Who can_______(设计)clothes in your class?
3.How much is this leather_______(夹克衫)?
4.Does the price_______(包含)lunch?
5.His favourite colour is_______(深色的)brown.
6.We should wear _______ (合适的)clothes at the party.
(    )1. Look! There are _______beautiful clothes in the shop.
    A. so many         B. so much         C. many so         D. much so
(    )2. - Would you like to come to my home for dinner? -_______.
    A. Yes, I do                                    B. Yes, I'd like to
    C. Millie likes to come                     D.I would like
(    )3. -Sam, come downstairs, please. I need your help.
    - Sorry, Mum. I _______on the phone.
    A. am talking     B. talked            C. was talking    D. have talked
(    )4. Which word has two syllables(音节)?
    A. dark              B. mask              C. include           D. comfortable
(    )5. I think black matches_______ colour.
    A. some other    B. any other        C. the other        D. another

资料名称: 7A Unit8 Period6(Task Self-assessment)同步练习含答案
文件大小: 106K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津7AUnit8
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