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2016届英语“四位一体”中考总复习阶段测试(9A Unit1-4)
上传者:   加入日期:15-12-10

2016届英语“四位一体”中考总复习阶段测试(9A Unit1-4)
1.Your new MP4 is s       to mine, but yours has a good quality.
2.Would you please e       this math problem to me, Miss Green?
3.Many students think too much homework is the c       of their stress.
4.Don’t forget to r       me to send e-mails to my friends.
5. The theory is much d       than that one.
6. I’m sorry she’s out. Can I take a m        for you?
7. I feel that there is some d        between my parents and me.
8. Regular exercise is a good h       for kids to develop.
9. How s        I felt when I saw a big snake in front of me. 
10. Your father seems r_______ terrible. He must be sent to the hospital at once. 
11.The conductor kept       (提供)hot water to everyone in the train.
12.Could you tell me how to       (得到)a balance between nature and man?
13.Some of the star signs are       (代表)by creatures.
14.For       (进一步)information, please contact the travel agency.
15.Spending some time on sports can help us       (放松)and make our lives colourful.
16. All the facts have____  __(证明)that I am right.
17. Many wide animals      (消失)because we didn’t protect them.
18.I hope the       (友谊)between us will last forever.
19. This is one of the most wonderful       (音乐会) that I have ever seen.
20.Zhang Yimou is one of the most China’s famous       (导演).

资料名称: 2016届英语“四位一体”中考总复习阶段测试(9A Unit1-4)
文件大小: 668K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 中考第一轮复习
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 2018届中考英语总复习专题考点精练:阅读理解(含答案) 17-11-01

 2018届中考英语总复习专题考点精练:句型转换和翻译句子 17-11-01

 2018届中考英语总复习专题考点精练:情态动词、主谓一致 17-10-31

 2018届中考英语总复习专题考点精练:完形填空(含答案) 17-10-31

 2018届中考英语总复习专题考点精练:书面表达(含答案) 17-10-31

 2018届中考英语总复习专题考点精练:短文填空(含答案) 17-10-31

 2018届中考英语总复习专题考点精练:形容词和副词(含答案) 17-10-30

 2018届中考英语总复习专题考点精练:情景交际(含答案) 17-10-30

 2018届中考英语总复习专题考点精练:非谓语动词(含答案) 17-10-30

 2018届中考英语总复习专题考点精练:动词和动词的时态 17-10-30


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