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1. W: Do you learn English by listening to tapes, David?
  M: No, I learn English by watching TV.
2. W: The chopsticks look very nice. Are they made of silver?
  M: Yes. They were made in China.
3. W: Dave, where are you? What are you doing?
  M: Mum, don’t worry! I’m at Paul’s. We’re listening to music.
  W: Well, don’t be home late.
  M: Ok, mum.
4. W: Did Jenny stay with you during the summer holidays, John?
  M: No, she didn’t. She stayed with my grandma.
5. W: I’m glad to hear that you did well in the exam.
  M: Thanks and 20 of us passed it.
6. W: Where is tea produced in China?
  M: In many different areas, such as Guilin, Hangzhou and Anxi.
W: Don’t you remember me?
M: Wow! You’re Sophia.
W: That’s right.
M: But you used to be short and quiet when we were in middle school.
W: Yes, I used to be a little shy when I talked to others.
M: But now you are different.
W: Yes, I like talking with people and making new friends. And now I am busy learn English. You know I like London and want to go there.
W: Next please. What can I get you?
M: Hi, I’d like a hot dog, please.
W: Ok. Anything else?
M: Can I have a cola, please?
W: Sure. Here’s your hot dog… And you cola.
M: Thanks. How much are they?
W: A cola for $3 and a hot dog for $2, please.
M: Ok. Here’s the money.
W: Thank you. Bye.
W: Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the bank? I want to exchange some money.
M: Of course. Walk down the street and turn left at the third crossing. It is next to a supermarket.
W: Thank you very much. Is it far from here?
M: Yes, it’s a little far. And you can take a bus.
W: Which bus should I take?
M: The NO. 16 bus.
W: Ok, thank you.
M: By the way, is this your first time to come to New York?
W: Yes. As a Canadian, everything is strange to me. Thanks for your help.
M: What’s your problem? You seem to have been thinking of something.
W: I am thinking of tomorrow’s test. I’m afraid I can’t pass this time.
M: Cheer up. You’ve been working very hard these days. There’s no doubt that you’ll pass.
W: In fact. I always feel nervous as soon as I enter a test room.
M: Try to relax. With the help of deep breath, you will not feel so nervous.
W: Thanks for your kind advice. You seem to be well prepared for the test, don’t you?
M: Yes. If you work hard all the time, you will be always ready for tests.
W: Nice talking with you. Have a good day!
M: You, too, and good luck tomorrow.

资料名称: 江西省宜春实验中学2016届九年级上期中英语试卷及答案
文件大小: 142K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标九年级上半期试题
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