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1. Mr Li is such a ______________ (humour) teacher that his students love him very much.
2. It’s      __    (possible) for us to walk 1,000 kilometres in 3 minutes.
3. Do you know the ____________(piano) Lang Lang? He plays the piano very well.
4. Thank for your____________(invite), but I have no time to come to your party.
5.The local_____________( 政府 )should take actions to protect the environment at once.
6. It is necessary for everyone to know the ______________( 重要 ) of wetlands.
7.The river is____________(结冰的).shall we go skating now.
8.It will be sunny tomorrow and the __________________(温度) will be around 9℃.
1. It will rain, you should let the boy_________(complete ) the project first.
2. The workers may be in danger if the machine ___________ (go) wrong.
3. ___________ ( drive ) with loud music on is not safe. Please turn it down.
4. We should prevent him __________ (cut) down the old tree.
5. Not only you but also your cousin _______________ (have) to go now.
6. You’d better ____________ (not be) later for the meeting.
7. Be quiet! I ______________  (listen) to the weather report on the radio.
8. The doctor did what he could ____________(save ) the old man
1. 他从不说同学坏话。他很有礼貌的。He _________________his classmates. He’s polite .
2. 在暑假,我们学校休息的星期比他们学校少。
Our school__________________________ for summer holiday than theirs.
3. 我太兴奋了,不断的拼错单词。   I was so excited that I _________________________. 
4.随身带个笔记本以便把你看到的记下来 Take a notebook with you ____________________
5.那个工厂覆盖了10,000平方米的面积。  That factory  ____________________.
It’s snowing heavily outside. But children _____________________________.

资料名称: 溧水区柘塘中学2014年8A英语12月月考试题有听力与答案
文件大小: 2685K
文件格式: zip
版本年级: 牛津8A月考试卷
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