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1.Meimei has already finished her homework. (改为否定句)
  Meimei _________ ________ her homework ________.
2.Lily will go to Beijing. Lucy will go to Beijing , too.(同义句)
  Lily will go to Beijing. ________ _________ Lucy.
3. The city has improved a lot since I came here a few years ago. (划线提问)
  ________ ________ ________ the city improved a lot?
4.Though I have no time to travel , I still feel happy.(改同义句)
  I have no time to travel, ________ I still feel happy.
5. His grandfather died five years ago. (同义句)
   His grandfather    ___     _        __  since five years     __ .
6. We should follow social rules and spit nowhere in public. (同义句)
  We should follow social rules and not spit______________ in public.
7. China has the largest population in the world. (同义句)
The  _______ ______ China _________ the largest in the world.
 8. Lily’s English is as weak as Lucy’s. (同义句转换)
 Lily’s English is _________ _________ _________ Lucy’s.
七.完成句子:11 %
1. 在噪音环境下工作和生活的人容易变成聋子.
People who work and live in bad conditions _______  ______  easily.
2. 我们需要一个安静的地方学习,但一些学生经常在学校制造太多的噪音。
We need a quiet place ______ __________, but some students often ________ ______ ______ _________ at school.
3. 水对人类很重要,但不是每个人都知道怎么保护和节约它。
Water is very _______ ______ human beings , but not__________knows how to protect and __________ it.
4. 对我们来说起先要执行这些规则将很难。
It’ll be hard for us to obey the rules _______ _______ _________.
5. 当你短距离旅行时,最好步行或骑车代替乘公交或出租车。
You _______ ______ walk or ride a bike __________ _______ __________ a bus or a taxi if you’re __________a short___________.

资料名称: 2015-2016学年福建省漳州八中九年级上期中考试卷
文件大小: 2447K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 仁爱版九年级上期中试卷
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 2015-2016学年漳州实验中学九年级上期中英语试卷及答案 15-12-01


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