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上传者:   加入日期:15-11-25

Class Opening 
1. Give the standard greeting to welcome students to English class.
2. Ask and answer
What day is it today?
How is the weather?
How do you feel about the weather?
What season do you like?
1. Show the pictures and ask the students to answer the questions:
what season is it?
How is the weather in spring/summer/autumn/winter?
2. Chant aloud.
Ask the students to chant part II in lesson 37.
Key concepts
Step I Present
1. Praise all the students because of their great job(chanting), and tell them you will give them a present. Show the calendar picture or a real one!
2. Teach the new word: calendar.
3. Teach the new phrase: make a calendar
Step II Look and Answer!
1. Look at the calendar picture on Page100 and answer the questions:
1)What month is it?
2)Do you know of any special day in December that people in English- speaking countries celebrate?
2. Learn all the new words and explain some language points.
3. Ask the students to read and remember all the new words.
4. Look at the calendar picture on Page100 again and answer the rest of the questions:
3) Why do you think some of the days are circled?
4) Whose birthdays are in December?
Step III Listen and Read
1. Listen and Match
Listen to the text and do No.1 on Page101.
2. Listen again and answer!
Listen to the text and answer the questions:
1) Who is in the story?
2) What is he talking about?
3) What do people say to each other on New year’s Eve?
4) What do they do before they say“Happy New Year”?
5) Do you celebrate New year’s Eve with your family? How?
3. Read and Do
Read the lesson and do No.2 on Page 101.
Firstly check with your partner and then in the class.
Step IV Class activities
1. Discuss
In a group of four discuss the questions:
Which is/are the busiest month/months in my home?
II. Work In Pairs.
Do No.4 on page 101.
Make your calendar for this month.
Is it a busy month?
Ask the students to talk about it and write a short passage.
Class Closing
1. Complete No.4 on Page 101.
2. Do No.3 on Page 101.
3. Read the text and recite all the new words.

资料名称: 冀教版七年级英语上册第七单元Lesson38课件+教案
文件大小: 1434K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 冀教版七年级上Unit7
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 新冀教版七年级英语上册Unit7 Lesson37导学案+同步课件 15-11-27

 冀教版七年级英语上册第七单元Lesson42课件+教案 15-11-25

 冀教版七年级英语上册第七单元Lesson41课件+教案 15-11-25

 冀教版七年级英语上册第七单元Lesson40课件+教案 15-11-25


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