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(   )7.. Which shirt will the man probably take?
A. The white one.    B. The blue one.   C. The yellow one.
(   ) 8. What’s the weather like today?
A. Cloudy.    B. Rainy.   C. Fine.
(   ) 9. What can we learn from the dialog?
A. The man will not help the woman.
B. The man doesn’t like postmen.
C. The man doesn’t know Alice.
(   ) 10. What does the woman mean?
A. Mr. Smith’s class is really boring.
B. Mr. Smith’s questions are difficult.
C. Mr. Smith has too many questions.
(   )11. When does Jane plan to go to the movies?
A This evening.   B. Tomorrow morning.   C. Tomorrow night.
(   )12. What will probably happen if Tom goes to the movies?
A. Tom’s parents will also go to the cinema.
B. Tom won’t finish the housework.
C. Tom won’t finish his homework.
(   )13. What did Jim go to Paris for?
A. To spend his holiday.
B .To study history.
C.To visit his uncle.
(   )14 . How did David go to Paris last year?
A. By ship.    B. By train.   C. By plane.
III、听短文  根据你看听到的内容,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(6分)
(   )15. Where does Miss Zhao work?
A. In a school.    B. At a police station.   C. In a restaurant.
 (   )16. Why did nobody help the old lady when she cried for help?
A.Because the bad man was very strong.
B.Because there was nobody around her.
C.Because the people there were not very friendly.
 (   )17. What did Miss Zhao do to help the old lady?
A.She shouted at the bad man.
B.She called the police.
C.She caught the man at once.
 (   )18. What did Miss Zhao like according to the story?
A.Honest and friendly.
B.Strong and helpful.
C.Brave and clever.

资料名称: 庆云县第五中学2015-2016学年九年级上期中英语试题及答案
文件大小: 343K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 外研版九年级上期中试卷
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