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(一)录音中有五个句子 ,每个句子听两遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语。
(  )1.  A. Yesterday    B. Twice a week     C.I often go by car
(  ) 2. A. Sorry. It’s mine.  B. Sure. Here you are. C. Sure. I can’t give it to you.
(  )3.  A. Hello! What’s the matter?  B. It’s very kind of you.  C. Sorry. She isn’t in now.
(  )4.  A Good idea.  B. No, I don’t like them. C. No, it  is  impossible.
(  )5.  A. I’m afraid I can’t. B. Yes, please. C. It’s my pleasure.
(  )6.A. What color does the man prefer(更喜欢)?
   A. Light blue        B. Yellow.    C. Pink.
(  )7. Why can’t the woman take her ho liday?
   A. She will start a new job.
   B .She has to take another training.
C. She is busy with her new job.
(  )8. Who is the woman speaking to?
   A. A policeman.   B. A friend   C. A middle school teacher
(  ) 9. What does the woman plan to do during the six-hour layover(停留)?
   A. Stay in the airport.   B. Go shopping.   C. Nothing to do
(  )10. What does the woman mean?
   A. She thinks that the tickets near the stage(舞台) have been sold out(卖光)
   B .She doesn’t want to sit near the stage.
   C. She means it is not easy at all to get tickets.
(  )11. What did John have for lunch?
   A. Fish and chips B. Pizza and chips. C. A nice salad.
(  )12. What did his mum ask him to do?
    A. To set the table B. To help her to cook C. To bring out spoons and bowls
(  )13. Why did his mum ask him to set table for three?
  A. Mark is coming  B. John’s father is coming home. C. Her friend is coming.
(  ) 14. What would his father want?
   A. Fruit pudding  B. Bowls  C. A cup of tea.
(  )15. Which is the following is TRUE?
   A. John wants to invite Mark for tea.
   B. John has been invited (被邀请) for tea.
   C. John’s mother doesn’t want to invite Mark for tea.

资料名称: 东营市广饶县乐安中学2015年八年级上期中英语试题及答案
文件大小: 194K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标八年级上半期试题
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