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(   )1. A. Beijing has got about fourteen million people.
         B. New York has got eight million people.
C. Tianjin has got fifteen million people.
(   )2. A. Can you tell me more about Chinese festivals.
         B. Can you tell me more about American festivals.
C. Can you tell me more about English festivals.
(   )3. A. Have you got any photos of the Great Wall.
         B. Have you got any photos of your bike.
C. Have you got any picture books.
(   )4. A.I can speak English.
         B. I can speak French..
C. I can speak Chinese.
(   )5. A. Amy is from England.
         B. Amy is from China.
C. Amy is from the US.
(    ) 1. A. We eat zongzi.                         B. Say “ thank you” for our food.
(    ) 2. A. Yes, of course .                        B.Yes, I can.
(    ) 3. A. Yes, I can.                               B. Yes, I have.
(    ) 4. A. We have a special meal.          B. Playing football.
(   )1、A、English               B、French      C、England     D、Chinses
(   )2、A、mountain        B、river           C、policeman  D、lake
(   )3、A、east                B、west          C、 more        D、north
(   )4、A、matter             B、hundred            C、million       D、thousand
(   )5、A、China               B、Canada       C、Chinese       D、America
(   )1、I can ___  English.
A、speaks           B、speak                 C、speaking
(   )2、Have  you  got  ___  stamps , Simon ?  
A、a                   B、 an                  C、 any
(   )3、There ___lots of Chinese shops there.    
A、is                  B、has                   C、are
(   )4、New York  is____  the  east of  America. 
A、in                   B、 on                   C、 at
(   )5、All  of  these  postcards  are ____China.  
A、from             B、with                   C、 for 
(   )6、Pleased ____ meet you. 
A、to                   B、for                     C、go
(   )7、Riding bikes____my  hobby .
A、be                  B、is                        C、are

资料名称: 2015年11月新标准英语六年级上期中试卷
文件大小: 620K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: (三年级起)外研版六年级上期中试卷
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 2015-2016学年外研版六年级上英语期中试题 15-11-09


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