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1. M: Do Tom, Peter and Mike like sports?
W: Yes, they do. Tom likes ping-pong. Mike likes baseball and Peter likes tennis.
2. M: Mom. My schoolbag isn’t on my desk. Is it in the box?
W: No, Bob. It’s under the chair.
3. M: Excuse me. Is this black pen yours, Alice?
W: Yes, it is. And I have a red hat and a green ruler, too.
4. M: Is the radio on the table yours?
W: Yes, it is.
5. M: Linda, I lost my ID card.
W: Oh, Peter, it must be in the Lost and Found box in school. You can e-mail Ms. Green.
6. M: Jane, a blue cup is on the desk. Is it yours?
W: No, it’s Alice’s.
7. M: Hi, Amy! What’s your phone number?
W: 556-9026.
8. M: Is the sofa red?
W: No, it’s yellow. The bed is red. And the table is purple.
9. M: Helen, I lost my ID card. Is it in the Lost and Found box?
W: No. I only see a key and a watch in it.
10. W: Who’s the man, Dale?
M: He’s my uncle Joe. He’s a teacher.
M: Helen. Tennis is interesting. Let’s go to play it.
W: Play tennis? I think it’s difficult. I love ping-pong. It’s easy and interesting.
M: That’s OK. Hmm … do you have two ping-pong bats?
W: Oh, Peter, I only have one. Err … let me see. A soccer ball is under my bed. Let’s play soccer.
M: Oh, Cindy. Your room is very tidy! But in Sam’s room, the books are everywhere.
W: Thanks, Tom.
M: Hmm … what’s that on the desk? Is it a clock?
W: No, it isn’t. It’s a black radio. And the white clock is in the bookcase.
M: And what are these in the box?
W: Ha! Some old books are in it.
I’m Bob. I’m in Class 2. Amy is my aunt. She has three daughters. They’re Helen, Cindy and Grace. Helen and I are classmates. Helen and Cindy like basketball but Grace doesn’t. She likes tennis. Grace is tidy but Helen and Cindy aren’t. They always put their things everywhere. Look! Helen’s jacket is under the chair and Cindy’s books are on the sofa, on the bed and on the chair.

资料名称: 富顺第三中学校2015年七年级上期中英语试题含听力mp3
文件大小: 9531K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 新目标七年级上半期试题
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