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五.单词拼写 (本大题共8分,每小题1分)
(A) 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。
1. The sweet drinks will make you even __________. How about some water? (thirsty)
2. All the students enjoyed _____________ in the park last Wednesday.   (they)
3. Of all the girls, Millie lives _____________from our school.    (far)
4. What fine weather! We are having a ____________ day in the park!   (cheer)
(B) 根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式。
5. XiJinping, our ____________arrived in Seattle beginning a state visit of the USA on 22nd  
  September, 2015.  (国家主席)
6. Jim with his classmates often ____________ Maths problems after class.  (讨论)
7. The English book must be Lily’s because her name is on the ____________. (封面)
8. ______________, he caught the early bus to school this morning. So he wasn’t late.  (幸运)
1. It’s time for us to leave, but it ____________hard outside.  (rain)
2. There ________ some art shows in Zhongshan Park in the coming holiday, aren’t there?.  (be)
3. Can you imagine(想象) what ___________ to the world in a hundred years?  (happen)
4. You’d better _____________ more sugar in the coffee. It tastes too sweet.  (not add)
5. Sandy __________the first prize in the English competition last term.  (win)
6. Mr Read advised me ____________the model plane by myself.   (repair)
7. Did Daniel have fun ___________ a DIY birthday card for his best friend? (make)
8. Almost everyone knows paper ___________ fire easily.   ( catch )
七.完成句子  (本大题共9分,每小题1.5分)
1. 当他们看到这些美丽的景色时,他们无法相信自己的眼睛。
When they saw these beautiful views, they ______________________________________.
2. 我们不会感到无聊,因为他有很好的幽默感,经常使得我们大笑。
We don’t feel bored because ___________________________ and often makes us laugh.
3. 我认为游泳不及攀岩刺激。
I don’t think ___________________________________________climbing up rocks.
4. 当孩子们到达嬉戏谷时,他们就迫不及待地下车。
When the children arrived at Joyland, they _____________________ _______________the bus.
5. Jimmy在电脑游戏上花的时间比家庭作业 多。
Jimmy____________________________________ computer games than his homework.
6. 老师不断地告诉我们要独立完成家庭作业。
The teacher __________________________________________________________.

资料名称: 江阴市华士片2015-2016年八年级上期中英语试题含听力mp3
文件大小: 5431K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 牛津8A半期试题
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