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上传者:   加入日期:15-11-13

1. W: What do your students often do at weekends?     
  M: They often go and read in the bookshop.
2. W: Do you usually watch TV in the evening, Wang Hong?
  M: No, I usually talk about my school life with my parents. I don’t like watching TV or playing computer games.
3. W: John, you speak very good English. Are you from England?
  M: Oh, my wife is from England. But I come from America.
4. M: Tom likes football. I often talk about it with him after school.
  W: But I love basketball. I often play it with Amy.
5. M: Do you always walk to school?
  W: Only when the weather is fine. On rainy days I usually go by bus.
6. M: Miss Li, when do you go to work?
  W: I drive to the office at a quarter to seven every day.
7. M: I like the cups. How much are they?
  W: The blue one is six yuan and the red one is eight yuan.
8. M: How many students are there in your class?   
W: Thirty-seven. Nineteen girls and eighteen boys.
9. M: Millie, Simon is in our school football team now. He is really good at playing football.
  W: Yes. Peter is in our school football team, too. He plays it better.
10. W: Oh, it’s raining. How long has it rained?
   M: It began to rain at three o’clock. Now it’s five o’clock.
第二部分  听对话和短文答题
听第一段对话, 回答第11、12题。
M:  Hello, Cindy. Welcome to my school.
W:  Hello, Mike. Your school is very big. How many buildings are there in your school?
M:  There are four.
W:  Where’s the library?
M:  It’s in Building B.
W:  What about the school hall?
M:  Over there, in Building D.
Betty, Sara and Mary work in the same company. Here is the information about their children.
Betty has a six-year-old daughter called Annie. Annie wants to be a dancer when she grows up, so Betty is looking for a famous ballet school for her. Sara’s son is 10 years old. He is interested in water sports. He said that he hoped to travel around the world by sea in the future. Mary is always worried about her daughter, who is poor at Maths at school, so she is looking for a training center to help her daughter.
Ping-pong is a very popular sport in China. People of different ages like playing it. Li Bo is my best friend. His favourite sport is ping-pong, but I like baseball best. He knows a lot about many famous ping-pong players, but he doesn’t know any baseball stars.
Baseball is one of the most popular sports in America. Children like playing it. They often play baseball in fields or parks. Each team has nine players. The baseball season goes from April to September. During that time, many baseball matches are on TV. People will watch them.
Many people like sports in different ways. They play sports themselves. They watch the games on TV. Doing sports is good for our health.

资料名称: 扬州市邗江区2015-2016年七年级上期中英语试卷有听力MP3
文件大小: 1757K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 牛津7A半期试题
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