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八年级英语试卷听力材料 2015.11.
第一部分 听对话回答问题
1. M:Where do the students come from?
W:They are from the USA
2. M:Do you need any help?
W:Yes. There’s something wrong with my bike.
3. W:How do you usually go to school?
M:I take a bus to school.
4.W:What lessons do you have on Friday afternoon, George?
M:English, Music and a class meeting.
5. W: I like lions very much. Do you like lions, Nick?
M: No, I don’t. I like giant pandas. They are lovely.
6. M: I hear today is your birthday.
W: No, yesterday was my birthday. It’s Christmas Day today.
7. M: I know you’re from England. But did you live in America for some time?
W:  Yes, we did. We lived there for five years, and then we came to Beijing because my father found work here last year.
8. W: Jim, does the bus go to the Children’s House?
M: Yes. Let’s get on it.
9.W: They say Lucy runs very fast.
M: I don’ t think so. I think Lily runs faster.
W: You’re right. But she doesn’t run as fast as Kate.
10. M: Why were you late for school this morning?
   W: I went to the bus stop at 6:30, but the early bus left just five minutes earlier.
第二部分 听对话和短文回答问题
A:Hi,Joan. Why do you look so happy today?
B:Hi,Tony. Many pop singers will come to our city to give a show.
A:Oh, really? Will you go and see it?
B:No, I won’t. The ticket is too expensive. I will see it on TV at home.
A:Me too.
On Sunday morning, after brea kfast our classmates are getting on the bus to the park. At 7:00 we are getting off the bus in front of the park gate. We are going into the park behind our teacher, Mr. Lee. First we see a hill and many boys begin to climb it. After a while, at 9:00, girls are singing and dancing under the tree. What are we doing at 10:00? We are sitting by a lake and some of them are drawing. Finally, all the classmates are watching animals in the zoo. At noon, we are eating fast food. For the whole afternoon, we are visiting the museum. When we arrive at the school on foot, it is 5:00.
Peter was 13. He was interested in reading. He studied in a school near his house. But because his family was very poor, he couldn’t buy any books. One day, he had a good idea. He thought he could find a job and then he could make some money. A week later he got his first job. He would send newspapers every morning. The boss told him, “You will get three dollars an hour now, and next year you will make five dollars an hour.” “That’s wonderful!” Peter answered, “I’ll see you next year.”

资料名称: 扬州市邗江区2015-2016年八年级上期中英语试题含听力mp3
文件大小: 1396K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 牛津8A半期试题
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