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21.Miss Gao has taught us English ___two years. She has been here ___five years ago.
    A. since; for      B.since; since     C. for; for       D.for; since
22. They have a lot of rules at their house.              .
   A. So do I   B. So we do   C. So have I   D. So I have
23.      Project Hope, poor families can afford an education for their children.
   A. Thanks for   B. Thanks to   C. Thanks   D. Thank
24.---- ________ the population of China in 2010?
  ----1.3 billion. So China has the ________population in the world.
   A.What is; smallest         B. What is; largest  
C. What was; smallest       D.What was; largest
25. I haven’t seen Hu Ming for about two years. Where is he now?
   He        .
A. has been in the army      B. has joined the army  
C. was a soldier            D. joined the army
26. I have      the Great Wall twice. It is an     place.
   A. been to; excited      B. gone to; exciting
 C. been to; exciting     D. gone to; excited
27. Not only Kangkang but also Jane      like an angel(天使).
   A. sing   B.  to sing  C. sings  D.  singing
28. Have you ever     any activities to help the old?
   Yes, only once.
   A. take part in   B. taken part in   C. join  D. to join
29.      the math problem is difficult, I’ll try hard to work it out.
   A. Though    B. When    C. Before    D. After
30. We have been good friends for many years.  We often     each other.
A. keep for touch with    B. kept in touch with
C. keep in touch with     D. keep to touch with
31. I used to______. But now I get used to _____doing everything.
A. give up; keeping      B. giving up; keeping 
  C.giving up; keep     D.give up; keep
32. I have      read the novel. How about you?
I haven’t read it       .
A. yet; already   B. already; yet  C. already; just now  D. yet; just now
33. If you don’t believe what I said, you can    it     .
A. see; yourself   B. see; you   C. look; yourself  D. see; in yourself
34.     ever_____ my dictionary?   Yes, I      it on your desk just now.
A. Do you;  see;  have seen      B. Have you;  seen;  saw
C. Have you;  seen;  have seen     D. Did you ; see;  have seen
35. People’s living conditions _______a lot since China ______out the reform and opening-up.
A. have improved;  carried    B. have improved;  have carried
C. improved;  have carried    D. has improved; carried
36. China is a     country while the U.S.A is a       country.
    A. developed; developing     B. developing developed
    C. developed; developed      D. developing; developing
37. The food is     delicious      I enjoy it very much.
    A. too; to   B. such; that   C. so; that   D. very; that
38. Mrs.Brown would like to     us an interesting story.
    A. tell   B. say   C. speak   D. talk
39. In our class        of the students       girls.
    A. two fifths; are    B. second fifths; is
    C. two fifths; is     D. two three; is
40. One–child policy has      controlling China’s population.

资料名称: 2015年秋仁爱版九年级上第一次月考英语试题含答案
文件大小: 358K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 仁爱版九年级上月考试卷
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