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1.How much are these shorts?
2.Come to buy nice clothes at our store.
3.They are only eight dollars.
4.I’ll take it. 
5.I have some white socks.
6. M: Hello. Can I help you?
W: Yes. I want a cup of coffee and a strawberry ice-cream.
M: OK. Just a minute.
7. M: Mary, what do you want to buy?
W: A cap.
8. M: Can I help you?
W: Yes. I like that pink skirt. May I try it on?
M: Sure.
9.W:Oh,look. This watch is really nice.
M: How much is it?
W: Only thirteen dollars. It’s cheap,isn’t it?
M:Hmm.I guess you’ll take it.
10.M:Mom, the shoes are too small. I need a bigger pair.
W:Oh, yes. So let’s go and get one pair for you,dear.
M:Welcome to Cool Clothes Store! May I help you, madam?
W:I’d like a sweater for my son.
M:Good.Here are the sweaters. They are on sale for only 20 dollars.
W:But my son doesn’t like these colors. Do you have any other sweaters?
M:Sure.This way, please. Here, are they nice?
W:Yeah.How much is the blue one?
M:30 dollars.
W:Oh, that’s too much.
M:But it’s nice and good.
W:Can it be cheaper? How about 25 dollars?
M:25? Madam, this sweater is woolen.
W:Then 27.That’s what I can afford.
M:Well, well. 27 dollars. It’s yours now.
W:Thanks a lot.
M:You’re welcome.
16. How much is the white hat?
17. The shoes are RMB 80.
18. Do you like the shirt, Lisa?
19. The pants are too long.
20. Anybody can afford the price.                 

资料名称: 2015-2016学年人教版七年级上Unit7检测题及答案和听力mp3
文件大小: 8498K
文件格式: zip
版本年级: 新目标七年级上Unit7
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