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1. How many birds are there in the tree?
2. Why do you like a pet cat?
3. What does your pet dog like to eat?
4. Which animal can repeat our words?
5. How often do we feed goldfish?
6. My pet rabbits are white. They have long ears and short tails.
7. My pet is white too, but he has short ears and a long tail. He can catch mice.
8. Tony’s goldfish is very beautiful. It swims in the tank and bubbles all day.
9. Daming’s dog is grey with white paws. He often plays with him.
10. Daniel’s pet is quite different. It’s a grey mouse with a long thin tail.
W:Hi,Daniel. This is Mary speaking.
M:Hi, Mary. This is Daniel.
W:How about your vacation in Paris?
M:It’s great. Paris is beautiful and quiet. I went to many places of interest. I want to buy some-
    thing for you. But to my great surprise, many products in Paris are made in China. I don’t
    know what to buy.
W:China is famous for its everyday things in the world. You just need to take more photos for me.
    I like Paris.
Q11:What is Daniel doing?
Q12:Has Daniel bought a gift for Mary?
W:Where did you go on vacation, Jack?
M:I went to Weifang to take part in the International Kite Festival.
W:That sounds interesting. What did you see there?
M:I saw all kinds of kites and competitors all over the world.
W:What are the kites made of?
M:Most are made of paper and bamboo, and a few are made of other materials.
W:When is the International Kite Festival?
M:In April every year.
Q13:What is Weifang famous for?
Q14:What are most kites made of?
Q15:When is the International Kite Festival?
Chester Greenwood was a fifteen-year-old boy who lived in America. Chester’s parents allowed him to play outside, even in the cold winter. Chester didn’t like to wear a cap. So he decided to find out something to keep warm. He used a tool to bend wire into loops. His grandmother then sewed fur onto them. Oh, that is the first pair of ear muffs. It is one of the most useful products in our everyday life.

资料名称: 2015-2016学年人教版九年级上Unit5检测题及答案和听力mp3
文件大小: 9495K
文件格式: zip
版本年级: 新目标九年级上Unit5
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