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2.能正确使用should/had better来表达建议。
3.在语境中使用祈使句和should/had better。
Activity I  请同学们认真阅读课本P48页的内容,试着翻译下列句子。
1.You should know a little about DIY._ ________________
2.You should not put so many books on the shelf.___________________________
3.Yo ur watch is broken. You had better buy a new one.____________________________
4. You had better not be late for school.__________________
Activity II Presentation
Task1 Free talk
Do you like DIY?
What kind of things do you like to do by yourself?(给学生以提示厨房的相关东西)
E.g  I like doing something delicious in the kitchen
Can you give us some examples?
E.g. Be careful with fire.  /You should be careful with fire.
Task2 Present the sentences
Cooking is difficult.
There are many books about cooking.
Fire and knives can be dangerous.
Sometimes we will spent a lot of time on the food.
Advice is important.
1.You should read books about cooking.
2.Cooking is difficult. You should join a club to learn mote about it.
3.Fire and knives can be dangerous. You had better be careful with them .
4.Sometimes we will spent a lot of time on the food. You should be patient.
5.You had better listen to your teacher or mother. Read some to learn more about it.
Task3According to the sentences above, ask students how to use ‘should and had better’
should/had better。情态动词 should 常用来表示劝告、建议或义务,意思是“应该”,
had better 是固定词组,意思是“应该;最好”,had better 常用来提出建议,语气较强,往往含有强迫或命令的口气,故常用于长辈对晚辈、上级对下级或平辈之间。
should  / shouldn’t + do
had  better do sth.  / had better not do sth.
E.g  You should not put so many books on the shelf.
   Your watch is broken. You had better buy a new one.
   You had better not be late for school.
        2.Ought to / must的用法
I.   用所给的词填空。
1..Kate, _______ your homework here tomorrow.
2.You should not _______________(put) so many comic books in your schoolbag.
3.It’s too hot in the room. ______________(open) the door,please.
4.You had better____________(ask) your teacher about the question.
5.I need to buy a dictionary __________(learn) more about it.
6.My father should           (fix) the broken bike.
7.I decided            ( make) some sandwiches for my mother.
8. We had fun           (work) with these young children.
9.The little boy kept          (spell) the words wrong.

资料名称: 牛津译林版八年级英语上册Unit4精美导学案(7课时)
文件大小: 275K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津8AUnit4
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