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(    ) 1. -What _______ honest boy!  -Yes, and he is _______ best student in our class,
    A. a; a                B. the; a             C. a; the      D. an; the
(    ) 2. The picture is _______ beautiful than that one.
    A. very more      B. much more      C. many more       D. more much
(    ) 3. Today's newspaper is so _______ that I feel_______.
    A. boring; boring B. boring; bored  C. bored; bored      D. bored; boring
(    )  4. -Which sport is _______, football, basketball or volleyball?  -I think football is.
    A. more popular  B. popular          C. the most popular      D. the more popular
(    ) 5. -I'm so hungry. May I have _______?  -Of course. How about a piece of cake?
    A. anything to eat B. something to eat  C. anything eating     D. something eat
 (    )6. _______ he is, _______ he feels.
    A. The busier; the happy                         B. The busy; the happy
    C. The busier; the happier             D. The busier; the happiest
(    ) 7. When the boy walks _______ the table ,  he often knocks the things _______ it.
    A. pass; off         B. past; off         C. pass; on          D. past; on
(    )8. -Do you know what he _______ two years ago?
    -Yes. He was fat then.
    A. liked              B. is like            C. likes              D. was like
(    )9. It's known that Suzhou is _______ in the world.
A. one of the most beautiful countries  B. one of the beautiful countries
C. one of the most beautiful cities     D. one of the most beautiful city
(    ) 10. My roommate is a girl _______ round eyes and long hair.
    A. has                B. with               C. had                D. is having
(    ) 11. Mo Yan is an ________ writer.21世纪教育网
   A. excellent      B. useful               C. famous                     D. great
(    ) 12. This ________ man is our English teacher.
   A. beautiful             B. pretty                C. ou tgoing           D. handsome
(    ) 13. I think maths is ________ than Chinese.
   A. more difficult                                  B. difficult
   C. hard                                            D. easy
(    ) 14. Who is ________ swimmer, Peter, Simon or Millie?
   A. fast                    B. the fastest          C. best                  D. better
(    ) 15. Would you like ________ tea?
   A. some           B. any                   C. many                D. a

资料名称: 南化二中2014-2015年八年级上英语第1单元期末复习卷含答案
文件大小: 172K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津8A期末复习
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