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40. The students are preparing for the science e                .                              
41. Mary is going back to England. Let's say g                 to her.                            
42. I won't go u                 you come back.                              
43. C                 the ball, Jim.                            
44. Everyone is very s                 to hear that surprising news.                               
45. The                 (prepare) for the party took hours.                              
46. This                 (invite) to the meeting is for Gina.                             
47. Can you come to the                 (open) of Library, Mr. Wang?                                 
48. My sister looks forward to                 (fly) to the moon one day.                              
49. Dale refused                 (tell) me about it and I don't know what to do.                            
50. My brother has to walk to school every day. (改为一般疑问句)                             
                 your brother                                   walk to school every day?                               
51. --- Can she go to the concert this evening? (作否定回答)                                
---                 , she                 .                            
52. We can go to the mall on the 14th. (对划线部分提问)                             
                                  you go to the mall?                                 
53. I'm playing tennis with Jim on Saturday. (对划线部分提问)                                  
                 are you                  on Saturday?                             
54. He has lots of homework to do this evening. (改为同义句)                             
He has                                   homework to do this evening.                            
A: Hi, Ted.                                
B: Hi, Lee.                                
A: Ted, 55.                                                 
B: Uh, when?                             
A: This afternoon.                             
B: Sorry, I can't. 56.                                                  
A: How about tomorrow?                                 
B: I'm really sorry. Tomorrow I'm playing basketball and I have a guitar lesson.                                  
A: 57.                                                 
B: I have to help my mother do some cleaning.                              
A: Oh, I see. 58.                                                
B: I'm sorry, Lee. I have no time this week.                             
A: It doesn't matter. 59.                                             
      A.    I'll ask Tom to play with me.
      B.    You're too busy.
      C.    can you play baseball with me?
      D.    My mother is asking me.
      E.    I have to go to the dentist and study for a test today.
      F.    When do you have time?
      G.    What are you doing the day after tomorrow?

资料名称: 人教版八年级上册Unit9单元评价检测试卷及答案
文件大小: 63K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标八年级上Unit9
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