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40. The man shows great i                 in music. He enjoys it very much.                  
41. In summer, the days are longer and the nights are s                .                                 
42. The word 'unhappy' m                 'not happy'.                                
43. Parents always                 (关心) about their children.                               
44. Class Five                 (获胜) in yesterday's school basketball match.                  
45. He enjoys                 (tell) jokes.                                
46. Most of the                 (kid) are very lovely.                              
47. She likes to have friends who are                 (difference) from her.                           
48. Please tell me its                 (important).                             
49. Tom is much                 (quiet) than his friends.                                
50. 莉莉比我更聪明。                            
Lily is                                   me.                              
51. 李雷的哥哥比他大四岁。                               
Li Lei's brother is                                                    than him.     
52. 你喜欢讲笑话吗?                              
Do you enjoy                                  ?                                
53. 玛丽喜欢和我做一样的事情。                               
Mary likes to do the same things                                                   .                                 
54. 这两个小孩看起来一样。                               
The two children                                                   .                                  
A: Hi! Wang Yu. Nice to meet you here.                                 
B: Hi! Zhang Qing, nice to meet you, too. 55.                ?                               
A: Next vacation? Oh, I'm going to Kunming.                                
B: 56.                ?                                
A: It's always warm and sunny. You know, people call it the spring city.                               
B: 57.                ?                                
A: Yes, I want to go there by plane. It's far away from here.                                 
B: That sounds great. 58.                ?                                 
A: Maybe for a week.                               
B: 59.                .                                
A: Thank you.                            

资料名称: 人教版八年级上册Unit3单元评价检测试卷及答案
文件大小: 108K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标八年级上Unit3
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