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外研版九年级下Module5 Look after yourself模块测试题及答案
1—5 DACBB  6—10 CCCDC
2、解析:本题考查动词词组。find out找到;send out发送,派遣;take out拿出,取出;get out离开,泄露,出版。句意为找到钢琴声的4,故选A,本题稍难。
12、解析:本题考查介词辨析。Look like看起来像;look after照顾;look for寻找;look at看着,根据句意,应选D,本题稍难
三、1. 根据短文1第段第1、2句“There is quite a beautiful city in the southwest of
Hunan Province. It is called Shaoyang.”可知答案。
2. T  根据短文第1段第4句“People once called it Baoqing in history.”可知答案。
3. T 根据历史知识可知,晚清时期的思想家魏源写的一本书名叫《海国图志》,它是中国近代史上第一部全面系统介绍世界历史地理的巨著。故本题叙述正确。
4. T 根据短文第2段最后2句“Cai E was a general(将军) in China. He took part in the Xinhai Revolution(辛亥革命)in 1911.”可知答案。
5. T 根据短文第3段前2句“If you 013e to Shaoyang, of course, don’t miss Mount Lang. It’s also a very beautiful place, which lies in Xinning County.”可知答案。
6. B 一段第四句“One of the biggest problems is pollution.”可直接确定答案。故选B。
7. A 根据第二段第一句“Many years ago, the problem was not so serious because there weren’t so many people.”可知“很多年前, 污染不严重, 因为没有太多的人。”所以选择答案A。
8. C  根据第三段第一句“Air pollution is still the most serious.”可直接确定答案,选C。
9. B 根据第四自然段“It’s because cars are more convenient(方便的),so more people go to work by car,” 可知:很多人乘小汽车上班是因为更方便。故选B。
10. C 据第四段最后两句“We should make it so difficult and expensive for drivers to drive their cars into the city. They will go back to use their bicycles.”可推出“未来小汽车的使用更困难、更昂贵,很多人将会回归到骑自行车”。所以选择答案C。
四、1.blind 2.cancel 3.require 4.harms 5.missed
五、 1. to solve 2.to leave 3.to clean 4.is 5.illness
六、1. fall over 2.catch up with 3.what’s more  4.Thanks to 5.Once in a while
.1.in 2.after 3.Thanks to 4.Thanks for 5.fell off 6.fell down 7.fall over 8.turned 9.became 10.get
八、1. happened to 2. call for help on 3. be afraid of 4.on my way to 5. at least
How to keep healthy
Nowadays students’ physical fitness is declining(体质下降) year by year. I think there are some reasons. Some students eat too much junk food. That’s bad for their health. Students have too much homework to do, so they have little time to do sports.
   Then, how to keep healthy? Here are some useful advice. First, students should do more exercise. Second, students should eat a balanced diet. They should eat more vegetables and fruit, and try to eat less junk food. Finally, enough sleep is also very important.

资料名称: 外研版九年级下Module5模块测试题及答案
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版本年级: 外研版九年级下Module5
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