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假如去年暑假,你和你父母去杭州旅游。请根据以下要点, 以Our trip to Hangzhou 为题写一篇80字左右的短文,介绍那次旅游。 要求:第五点用1-2句话进行切合主题的发挥。
1.  去年暑假,我和父母自驾去杭州旅游,行程约四个小时。
2.  杭州是我国最美丽的城市之一,有许多名胜。
3.  我们参观了西湖(the West Lake),玩得很快乐。
4.  我们品尝了美食,了解了不同的文化。
5.  我们很累,但很开心。我希望……
I. 听对话回答问题。
1. W: Do you have a cousin?
M: Yes, I have one. He is very short and has a square face.
2. W: Did you leave home early enough for the meeting ?
M: Yes, I did, I left home at eight and arrived at nine. I was still half an hour earlier for the meeting.
3. W: What’s your favourite sport?
M: Football. But this afternoon I’m going swimming.
4. W: Are my glasses by the telephone?
M: No. Here they are, under the table.
5. W: What color is your fast food restaurant?
M: We have red walls and orange chairs.
6. W: How much are these dresses?
M: The red one is 70 yuan, the blue one is 65 yuan and the yellow one is 80 yuan.
7. M: What are you going to do tomorrow?
W: I’m going to see monkeys with my classmates.
8. W: When do you usually go fishing, Jill?
M: Usually at weekends. But this week I did on Friday.
9. W: Hi, Mr. Li. I clean my room once a week, how about you?
M: I do that every Wednesday and Saturday.
(2)W: Who is the best at drawing in your class, Mike?
M: Lucy is. Bill is not good at drawing, and I’m the best at singing.
W: Who is the girl on the right in the photo?
M: Oh, she’s Sandy. I think she’s very beautiful.
W: Yes, I think so.
M: She’s the best dancer in my class.
W: Oh! What is she like?
M: She’s friendly and helpful. She wants to be a good dancer when she grows up.
听第一篇短文,回答第13- 15小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。
Students in Grade Seven had a great time on the school trip on Children’s Day. They went to the city zoo by bus. They sang and talked loudly on the way. Everyone was excited about the trip. When they got to the zoo, they saw many interesting animals and at 11.00 they watched an animal show at the zoo theatre. They liked the show and they thought the monkeys were the cleverest and did the best of all. There was also a flower show in the zoo. They took many photos there. They went back to school at about 3.00 in the afternoon. The teachers were very happy because the students cleaned the buses after the trip.
My name is Allen. I live in London now. But I was born in Sydney, Australia. We moved to England three years ago when my dad got a new job here. I didn’t want to leave Australia because I had a great life there. I had lots of friends and we had fun swimming almost every day after school. And the weather was always great.
At first, I didn’t like the life in London when we arrived. It was still winter, so the weather wasn’t very nice. It was really cold and it rained all the time. I didn’t have any friends. I felt sad and I wanted to go back to Australia. Things got better when I started school. All the kids at school were friendly to me. Now I enjoy living here. I think London is a great city.

资料名称: 江阴市八年级上期中考试英语模拟试题(5)含听力mp3和答案
文件大小: 17385K
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版本年级: 牛津8A半期试题
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