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1.W:I often have bananas.I like them very much.
M:Me,too.Bananas are nice fruit.
2.W:Are you from England or Canada,Mr.Black?
M:I’m from England.
3.W:Excuse me,but did you see my clock,please?
M:Your clock?Sorry,I didn’t see it.
4.W:I visited many places on a bike when I was in Beijing.
M:It’s really exciting to visit Beijing by bike.
5.W: Will you be free this afternoon?
M: Sorry, I’m afraid I won’t. Why?
W: I’ve got two film tickets.  
6.W: Would you like another mooncake with nuts in it, Mr. Green?
M: Yes, please.
7.W: Why did your parents hurry off this morning?
M: They were afraid to miss the plane.
8.W: Excuse me. Do you have a blue coat in this size?
M: Sorry, we’ve just sold out.
9.W: Today is my mother’s birthday.
M: Really? You should buy some presents for her.
W: Yes , I think so. 
10.W: Excuse me , where is the nearest post office?
M: It’s over there on the left.
W: Thank you very much.
M: You’re welcome.
B) 听下面一段对话和两篇短文,每段对话和短文后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话和短文读两遍。
W: Can I help you , sir ?
M: I’m looking for a book about maths .
W: Oh , here are some books about maths . Do you like maths ?
M: No , my son likes maths very much . I’ll take this one .
W: Here you are.
M: Thank you.  Here’s the money .
Andy is a British boy. Last week, he went to Paris for a visit. He visited many places of interest there. On the second day of his visit, he went to the top of the Eiffel Tower. From the top of the tower, he could see most of the city. On the third day, he took a boat trip on the River Seine. He took many photos during his stay in Paris. After he returned to London, he showed the photos to many friends. They all admired his travel very much. Andy wants to see more of the world. He plans to visit the USA next year.
Mrs Green’s telephone number is 51688. It is a lucky number. But it has brought the Greens much trouble. There is a cinema next to their house. The number of the cinema is 54688. People often make a mistake when they want to call the cinema and they call her.
  One evening the telephone rang and Mrs Green answered it. A tired man said, “At what time does the last film begin?” “I’m sorry.” said Mrs Green, “but you mistake the number. This is not the cinema.” “ Oh, it began half an hour ago?” said the man,” I’m sorry to hear it. Good-bye.”
  Mrs Green was surprised, so she told her husband about it. Her husband laughed and said, “It’s clear that the man’s wife wanted to go to the cinema, but he was feeling tired, so he did that. His wife heard him, but didn’t hear you. Now they can stay at home and the husband can have a good rest.”

资料名称: 江阴市八年级上期中考试英语模拟试题(4)含听力mp3和答案
文件大小: 11568K
文件格式: zip
版本年级: 牛津8A半期试题
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